Friday, October 2, 2009

Growth & Happiness...

Growth is something that is inevitable.  You experience growth everyday in some way.  I love growing.  I don't always like the strides it takes to get there, but upon the reflection of it, I really do love it.  I also love watching growth take place, especially when it comes to my little one.  Reflecting took me to a photo of him from this time of year in 2007.  He was only a mere 1 month old. 
oct 3 07
This brings me to Happiness.  We all experience happiness everyday in some way.  I love happiness.  I don't always like the strife it takes to get there, but upon reflection of it, I really do love it.  I also love watching happiness take place, especially when it comes to Brayden.  I experience daily happiness when I get to see this happy little face.
10 09
Life is not always about plans going perfectly.  It is not always full of harmony and calm.  It is however,  always teaching us something wonderful.  It is constantly leading us to better things.  If you look closely enough-you realize that God is always bringing us closer to more growth & happiness.  I am embracing my strengths, growth and happiness these days more than I have in my entire life.  I am feeling the harmony, and the calm.  I am feeling grateful, blessed, excited, humbled and....well.....Happy! 

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

And with your growth and happiness I am sooooo glad!

Thank you for sharing...happiness is catchy, you know~

.mac :)