Thursday, October 8, 2009

{I just love her}

Drew that is...Barrymore.  Yes I adore her-she is just such a happy soul.  I have adored her even since her Fire Starter days...yes-even as a child.  I read some of her fun little quotes the other day, and just HAD to post a few-because I LOVE them. 

"You could be a bag of toxicity or you could be a happy, good person who spreads joy"

"There is joy that's earned by failure or triumph.  All those things add up to teach us, if we are open to it"

"To know someone, you need to look into their eyes"

"Laugh, laugh, laugh.  Life is like high school and it's small and everybody talks about everybody, so just laugh"

"Let your freak flag fly, and is someone doesn't get you, move on"

Well put Drew, I could not agree more.

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