Saturday, August 15, 2009

Going back to college...

So...Mommy Snow has FINALLY decided to take the plunge and go back to I am researching schools currently and have narrowed down my choices. One I am seriously looking into is Almeda University online. I am excited, and nervous at the same time, but know this is a great decision for my family, and for me.
I am going to continue with my Business/Marketing Major and eventually work toward my MBA. It is going to take a few years, but I am really excited about it. For 14 years I have worked in this field...but feel held back because I don't have the degree I need to really make the $$$ I wish me luck folks.
My goal is to start this Fall 2009. I am really tickled about this. Change has never been something I embrace lovingly, but I am realizing through the last few months that change is what makes us strive for more within oureselves, and for oureselves.
Change is good.

1 comment:

Mommy Mac said...

Change is good, chica! It refreshes up, rekindles our spirits, and revs us up for the greatness that life can offer each of us!!

Good luck!!

.mac :)