This marks the end of 2008 for the Snow Family! This year has brought us many blessings and a little wisdom.
First let's talk about Brayden. He has grown so much since this time last year! I was looking back at pictures from Christmas 07, and at a mere 3.5 months I thought the amazement in him would fade...but it has only grown since then. He is such a funny little guy. His personality has really shown over this last year and gets stronger with every new day. He loves to make us laugh, loves the Noggin Channel, Mooose A Moose and Dora, not to mention his Backyardigans! He loves to be tickled, and having his "piggies" massaged. He splashes in true madman fashion in the tubby, and has now learned to tell us "no". He says Mama, Dada, Ba-Ba, Yum, Good, uh-oh, Eat, no, go, you go, Gee which means (thank you) Gaa which means (your welcome), yeah, uh-huh, Wow, Oh, nuy-nuy (nite nite) and other little words here and there when prompted. He is 95% of the time all smiles first thing in the morning, and loves to stomp his feet in the crib until you pick him up-to which he immediately gives "lovies" and "kisses"...some mornings Mommy even gets the slobbery buzzerboo on the cheeks! He is growing up so fast, and is so clever! Ron and I love him more than words can even describe, and are truly grateful and thankful for having Brayden in our lives. He is the best part of every day! We are amazed at how we never knew we would love and adore him this much.
As for us...Ron and I celebrated our 13th year together this past November and our 6th year married this last July! We have our moments believe me-but we are evolving and growing as a couple, and as parents to Brayden. We have many exciting opportunities ahead of us this next year, and we will be sure to keep you posted on all of those fun things as we know more! Right now our lives revolve around the Bray! We sat and talked the other night about how many obstacles we have overcome together, how many bizarre mishaps we have experienced, and how every single moment we have shared has taught us so much!
(We have been truly blessed). We laughed at how young we once were, and how naive and silly we must have appeared at times (and probably still do)! I teased Ron about his new found grey hair, and how he is starting to look a little "distinguished" and he in turn teased me about my thinning hair! There are times we want to choke each other, but there is nobody like Ron in the world, and nobody I would rather be with until the day I pass. He continues to make me laugh, amazes me with his tender heart, and blows me away when I watch him with Brayden! We have grown together and grown up so much over the last 13 years together.
We feel truly blessed with our lives, and all that has been given to us from God. We thank him every single day for entrusting us with this little beautiful child that we never thought we would have, and that we never knew how much we would love and adore once he arrived! We used to sit and "dream" and talk about having children. We laugh now because it was nothing like we had ever is a million times better, harder, more challenging, exciting and scary all at the same time! We wonder if the decisions we make are going to totally screw him up, or make him well rounded and normal ;-) Probably a bit of both I suppose! For now though...he is still pure and perfect and we are inhaling this spirited little guy every chance we get! We know that each day we share together is a gift from God, and we are concentrating on making memories together, and appreciating those moments God gives to us.
Our prayer for you and yours this year: Count your blessings every opportunity you get. Help make others lives happier or better everyday. Forgive wrongs and forget them...embrace beautiful moments and appreciate them. Live with grace and understanding. Thank God every chance you can for everything...even the bad! Live with strength and humility, compassion and love. Smile at people you don't know, and hold your family tight every chance you can! Leave the dishes and get on the floor to play with your children, or have coffee with a friend who needs it! Laugh at yourself...ALOT! Everything else non-important will fall into place. God Bless you and yours this Christmas, and into 2009!

With Much Love-The Snow Family