Thursday, May 6, 2010

This week...and weekend...

{I should first warn you I have no pictures because I can't upload them anymore on my computer-it's having issues...and my poor camera card is racking up more pictures than I can keep track of, so we are apologies.  Hopefully I can figure this out soon...have some cute ones to show...when I can}

This week Brayden has had the flu bug.  We spent most of Tuesday on the couch trying to catch up on some sleep.  Monday night as I crawled into bed rather late {or early I should say since it was morning} I discovered Brayden was running a fever.  I tried to give him Motrin to cool down his fever, but he was not even trying to take that at 4 a.m.  He started crying in hysterics, and rather than stress him out any more with that or the thought of a warm tubby...I decided to do the cold wash cloth over his head.  He eventually started to cool off, but only to wake with projectile vomit all over Ron and I. 

At this point it was almost 5:30am, and we decided to just pack up the sick arsenal and head downstairs.  Towels, blankets, pillows, thermometer and Motrin soon took residence in our livingroom, with Brayden laying comfortably on the couch with a bucket next to him.  We watched cartoons, and he found his second wind at about 6am.  Needless to say-and to make a long story short...I only slept for two short hours from 9am-11am roughly when he finally crashed again.  I then stayed up all day until 10:30 pm Tuesday evening before I finally hit the bed so hard I was a bit frightened I might never wake again ;-) At that point, I had calculated that I had been awake {-my two hours of sleep Tues. morning}...for 34 read correctly...34 hours awake!!! 
Surprised I am still not asleep aren't you?

I have since figured out what day it is, and have sprayed my poor house from top to bottom trying to rid it of the ick.  Brayden is feeling a little bit better, but has not fully recovered all the way.  He keeps asking to go to the that's a good sign...but then he throws up again, and I wonder when we will ever make it back there???

I have also been rehearsing like a mad woman this week for a show I am in this weekend.  It's called "Come Fly with Me", and is put on as a fundraiser for Holy Family Catholic Church in town.  My childhood friend Ylsa and her husband run a company that puts on these fundraisers, and I am really excited to be a part of it.  I will admit though-that I am more nervous than I ever had anticipated I would be.  First I was supposed to be singing the song "Georgia on my mind"...but's a really boring song to me-and although I had it figured out, just did not feel 100% confident with we gave that to another girl...and I am now singing "I love Paris in the Springtime"...which is more in my range, and I can really have fun with it.  Did I mention the show is Saturday night?  Yes, and I just started this new song wish me lots of..."break a legs". 

I am excited about it though...performing is something I've always done all my life, but had been away from it for so long that it feels good to be back at it.  Hopefully this is just me getting my feet wet before I decide to dive back into theater too!  Time will tell....actually my performance in this will tell.  Ha!

Ron has started a new job, and so far is enjoying it-so that is good.  He is also busy volunteering for the local fire department, getting ready to return to college, playing baseball on the adults men league and coaching Babe Ruth as well as the Allstars this he is nothing other than very busy these days...and we are not in any shortage of a full summer calendar full of games to attend ;-)

So...other than all of that exciting news...we are just enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having, doing a little spring cleaning curb treasure diving {projects to come soon}...and most importantly we are hoping Brayden is back to his playground loving, sun kissed skin and rosy cheek days here shortly!


Mommy Mac said...

I didn't know you sang and did theater!

Super cool!

I have always wanted to act. Not sure it would be something I would be good at, but I love the thought of it.

And to sing....oh man, that would be awesome!

Gett feeling better, Brayden!

.mac :)

Shannon Strong said...

Awe, thank you lady!!! I am so excited, and so nervous at the same time for the show. I was practically raised at the mom was a costume designer for years, so I grew up always doing musicals, shows, singing, dancing-you name it...but its been awhile for me so I am a bundle of nerves, but so so glad to be back at it again!!! Maybe I will post a link of it at some point this weekend if I can get my computer to function normally. Thank you...Bray is slowly on the mend...hugs to you!!!