Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008!

Brayden had a great second Halloween evening! Mommy just decided on a costume today and whipped one up quickly this afternoon. I had planned on getting one together yesterday but ended up sick all day from a bug of some sort and in the E.R. until 11 pm last night so this is the only costume I had time to sew today...Baby Jack Jack from The Incredibles. I bought some red jammies, and felt and voila!

Brayden started out a bit apprehensive about "trick or treating" but we did go to a few houses. Soon he realized he could reach into the candy bowl all by himself and at that discovery...he was off! He soon then realized he could grab two pieces of candy at a time...and he mostly grabbed Reese's (mommys favorite) that was very funny.

We did not stay out long as Bray has had a slight cold this week and we did not want him getting any worse...but here is our little "Jack Jack" on Halloween 2008. More pics to come later this week as our computer is on the fritz right now. Hugs hugs and Happy Halloween everyone.




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