Monday, November 9, 2009

The Producers

My other niece Emily plays the lead Ulla in The Producers at the college.  I was able to go see 3 of her shows this last weekend {I am such a lucky and blessed Aunt this week}.  Between her and Molly {the post about her artwork is below}...I am feeling pretty darn special to be related to them!  I always feel that way, but this week I get to brag about them, and that is always fun.  HERE is a photo of Emily in the paper the other day, and the link to her very first review!  They said, "Emily Strong was a show-stopping beauty as Ulla, the Swedish receptionist the boys hire to decorate their office, and she danced with real style, as well."
She has been a performer since her early childhood...and is  She always continues to amaze me with her acting, dancing, and singing abilities-she is truly gifted.  She is the cutie little blonde in the red dress:  We are so proud of you Emily-you did a great job, and hopefully I will be coming to a few more shows over the next few weeks.  Love you and am so proud of you.

1 comment:

Kacey said...

Awwww! That is awesome! What a great Aunt you are to show your support in so many ways. Oooh and some time out to see a show...that is great in itself, but when you have family IN the show, its kinda like you're famous. ;D