Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our Big Boy...

You are growing up so quickly. We cannot believe how much time has passed, and so fast. We are so proud of you, and the big boy you are becoming. Your new words, expressions, giggles and personality keep us smiling moment after moment. Your latest catch phrases are "yeah boy" "no Maam" "yeah Maam" and your newest words are "Armff=Aunt Beth" "Ta Ta=Todd" "Emmy=Emily" "Maui=Molly" Mommy and Daddy as apposed to Mom and Da-da, and my favorites include "baby" "know what" "now what" and "yeah, yeah, yeah Boyyyy". DOWN to you means either up or down right now and the word IN means in or out as well. I love it when you ask me for Nums-Milk-juice or eat and your newest word today "hancake=pankcake".
Daddy loves that you have learned to stand and "step and throw" like a real baseball pitcher, and I love how you give hugkisses before "nigh nigh" every evening. You love to lay in bed with Mommy and play with my hair, then you gently pat my head, and rub my forehead. We put the palms of our hands together and tickle eachother's fingers just before you fall asleep snuggled into Mommy. You love to play the repeat "Daaaaaa-DA & Brayyyyyy-DEN" game with Daddy too! Wow Wow Wubzy is your favorite cartoon, and you ask for Mommy to turn on "na-na=Noggin" for you now. Your cheeser smiles are the absolute best and you seem to do them when you know you will get a smile, or when you are in trouble ;-) Stinker. You even tell us now that "I stink" when you go poo-poo :-) I could go on and on about all the new things you are doing, and about all of the things you do to make us laugh, but I will save those for another post. We love you big boy. -Mommy & Daddy.


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