Saturday, August 29, 2009

A place in the sun...

We LOVE this song. It seems to play quite often as of late because we have been watching Charlotte's Web a lot in the car, and this plays at the very end. Brayden, Bailey and Casey love it. Brayden breaks out in smiles and dancing the second he hears it. I love that! Last night at dinner, Bailey was quietly singing this to Brayden at the end of dinner, it was adorable and sweet, and tugged at my heart strings.
On the way home {as the whole family rode together}...Uncle Scott, Aunt Tara, Grandma, myself, Brayden, Bailey and Casey all started to sing this along with the DVD. A little corny-yes...but Brayden was reaching behind him holding my Mom's finger {because he thought it was Bailey}...bobbing his head to the music, and smiling because all of us were in unison still singing and being goofy.
I felt optimistic and hopeful.
I just watched everyone and listened for a second because it's one of those times in your life that you don't want to forget. A moment you want to just stand still for awhile. One of those times that are free of every worry in the world except for what really matters most-family, fun, silliness, laughter and LOVE.
It was our place in the sun.
Here is the song, and the lyrics are posted below that as well.

There's a place in the sun

Where there's hope for everyone

Where my poor restless hearts, gotta run

There's a place in the sun

And before my life is done

Got to find me a place in the sun

Like a long lonely stream

I keep runnin' towards a dream

Movin' on, movin' on

Like a branch on a tree

I keep reachin' to be free

Movin' on, movin' on.

'Cause there's a place in the sun

Where there's hope for ev'ryone

Where my poor restless heart's gotta run.

There's a place in the sun

And before my life is done

Got to find me a place in the sun.

Like an old dusty road

I get weary from the load.

Movin' on, movin' on

Like this tired troubled earth

I've been rollin' since my birth

Movin' on, movin' on

'Cause there's a place in the sun

Where there's hope for ev'ryone

Where my poor restless heart's gotta run.

There's a place in the sun

And before my life is done

Got to find me a place in the sun.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Horizons...

There are many new things on the horizon for our family. {No, I'm not pregnant!}. We have been full of transitions and changes so frequently over the last few months that I am almost sick of talking about it. It feels as though we have been trying to climb out of a hole these last few months. I know we are almost there...but it has not been easy.
I am excited however that great new experiences await us, and that in and of itself is exciting and renewing. Right now I have been given an opportunity to change things in my life, things I should have changed years ago. Change my way of looking at things, change my way of dealing with things, and most importantly, change the sort of people that were in my life. I feel empowered to do more for myself, and to make better decisions for my family and our future. I feel empowered that I FINALLY have had the strength to disengage a few old relationships in my life that were nothing short of toxic and negative. That makes me feel empowered as a woman, wife and mother. We are slowly climbing onward & upward again.
Most importantly, as I look into the future...I have been able to grasp the big picture. As I look at Brayden...he helps me to see it loud and clear-daily. With every simple smile he gives me, his little pats, his awesome lovey hugs, and the sweet way he pushes his cheek into mine, makes every bad thing completely go away for that moment. He is my 2 year old is my rock, I'll admit it.
He is that place that makes my heart happy when it feels heavy. He is that place that makes me realize things could be worse. He is that place that reminds me to take better care of myself and my health. He is that place that keeps me smiling, humble and makes me grateful. He is that place that makes me whole.
101_0232 we head toward all of our new horizons over the next few months, we hope that you too can find your grace, your rock, your happiness, and your new horizons too!
God Bless.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fun with Cheesecake, and Factories...

{click on photo to enlarge image}
This weekend we went to the Cheesecake Factory. Brayden was pretty excited while we waited for our table. First he let Aunt Tara chase him outside {the mad little runner that he is}...and once inside, he drooled all over the yummy cheesecakes on display. The waitress brought him some yummy sweet bread and bananas to keep him happy while we all placed our orders, and spent time chatting together. Brayden was kept equally as occupied by his cousins-Bailey {beep} as Brayden calls him, and Casey {she-she}. Surprisingly Brayden devoured all of the bananas, {which was a first for him}... bread, peas, and strawberries he was offered for dinner. He is usually such a picky little eater, but he did well that night. By the time dinner was finished-we were all STUFFED to the hilt. Brayden was all tuckered out anyways from all the swimming we all did just before dinner.
All in all, it was a pretty awesome Friday night at the
Cheesecake Factory.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Dancing with his cousins...

Here is Brayden today dancing with his cousins after they finished watching Charlotte's Web after school in the car on the way home. Bailey and Casey have really brought out his grooviness lately and he LOVES to show them what a big boy he can be.

Too cute.

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Weekend Fun...

We had a ton of fun last weekend. We visited with my Aunt Jo, Uncle Chuck, cousin Candy, Dan and her children Nathan and Kaiti. We swam a lot in my Aunt's "bubble" as Brayden calls it. The first morning we woke up and Brayden peeked out the window immediately saying..."BUBBLE!" with so much excitement. We ate breakfast at Cracker Barrell-one of my favorite places. Brayden played with toys I myself played with as a child. We even got to Skype with my cousin PJ and his wife Vi who are living in Belgium. It was the first time he has ever seen Brayden in anything other than simple photos. That was really neat. Here are just some of the fun pictures I took of this awesome and relaxing retreat!

Brayden, Kaiti and I swimming...
Brayden playing his Daddy's favorite game at breakfast...
Brayden with all of the kids like a BIG BOY...
I will post more photos this week when I have a moment.
Thank you everyone for the wonderful weekend. We love you!

Getting his groove on...

Here is Brayden getting his groove on the other day. You can see where he gets frustrated when he thinks nobody is watching him, and he shrugs his little {all attitude} hand and goes in the corner to continue jammin' on {all by his lonesome little self}.

Gotta love an afternoon of Kidz Bop music...

Monday, August 17, 2009


I got to see my cousin Candy this weekend. Our children played together. She dyed my hair. We laughed and talked and reminisced about growing up. We swam, shopped, played with the kiddos, went to breakfast, and spent time with our families. It was tons of fun, and so relaxing. I found this cousins quote that I thought was perfect for us...
"God made us cousins, because he knew our moms couldn't handle us as sisters."
{giggle, giggle}

Happy Birthday Molly

This weekend was my nieces birthday. We had Brayden call to talk to her. He calls her Maui. He loves her so much. She showed him, and now anytime he sees a laptop or computer-he gets all screechy and excited, climbs on your lap, points to the screen and says "na-na" which means Noggin. We tried to get him to tell her Happy at one point he said Happy, and a few minutes later {after much babbling about other things}...he said Ba-Day! Close enough...I think he got it {it could totally happen!}.
I snapped some photos of him talking to her, because he was so happy and excited. We all love you so much Molly, and are so proud of you. You are talented, smart, adorable as can be, genuine and so so loved.
We hope you had the best Birthday ever!!!
Hugs and smooches to you babe!

Dear Speedo...

I think your company should strongly consider rethinking the design of your child's safety vest.

Thank you,
Mommy Snow ;-)
C'mon now, look at this Poor Baby!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Going back to college...

So...Mommy Snow has FINALLY decided to take the plunge and go back to I am researching schools currently and have narrowed down my choices. One I am seriously looking into is Almeda University online. I am excited, and nervous at the same time, but know this is a great decision for my family, and for me.
I am going to continue with my Business/Marketing Major and eventually work toward my MBA. It is going to take a few years, but I am really excited about it. For 14 years I have worked in this field...but feel held back because I don't have the degree I need to really make the $$$ I wish me luck folks.
My goal is to start this Fall 2009. I am really tickled about this. Change has never been something I embrace lovingly, but I am realizing through the last few months that change is what makes us strive for more within oureselves, and for oureselves.
Change is good.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Big Boy is turning 2!

Our big boy is getting ready to turn 2! We are so excited and have been planning a special little birthday partay to celebrate with the peanut. Fun plans are in the works as we speak. Our theme is Wow Wow Wubzy...since it IS his FAV little buddy after all ;-)
I will be sure to post more fun party ideas and fixin's as soon as I get a chance.
We love you Bray Bray or {me-me} as he says.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

GUT GUT GUT Giggles 2008

This is an old video of Brayden GUT giggling at a corn shooter last October. Ron and I LOVE this video of him...makes me smile anytime I watch it. Thought I should post it. Hope it brings a smile to your day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mr. Independent

This morning Brayden said, "mommy, mommy, mommy" {in this very angelic and high pitched voice}...then I heard a loud THUD! I sat straight up in bed and from the foot of the bed all I saw was this little proud face pop up from the floor with a HUGE smile and an expression that beamed {look what I just did} as he glanced back at the pack n play he had just climbed out of for the first time all by himself!!!
It's all over now folks...I'm doomed.

The Hamptons...

Okay, nobody went to the Hampton's...but Brayden did stay at one! Ha! Traveling through Tennessee, sleep was the Hampton Inn it was. This was Brayden's first time ever in a hotel and he thought it was way cool. There were Llamas in the field outside on the mountainside {which had breathtaking views of TN}...and he kept screaming "COWS!". "No, No Bray those aren't cows baby-they are Llamas"...oh well...what's a parent to say when he insists they are cows? "Yes baby-okay... cows...good job!"
This of course AFTER he told the woman at the front desk "no Maam" after each question she asked.
He sure does have a mind of his own these days...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cheeser Smile...

Here is Brayden with his famous new "cheeser" smile. He does this un-prompted and only when he wants to see you smile, or when he thinks he is in trouble for something. It has gotten to the point now that he does this about 20 or so times a day. Such a stink-butt I tell ya! Funny little guy...


Our Big Boy...

You are growing up so quickly. We cannot believe how much time has passed, and so fast. We are so proud of you, and the big boy you are becoming. Your new words, expressions, giggles and personality keep us smiling moment after moment. Your latest catch phrases are "yeah boy" "no Maam" "yeah Maam" and your newest words are "Armff=Aunt Beth" "Ta Ta=Todd" "Emmy=Emily" "Maui=Molly" Mommy and Daddy as apposed to Mom and Da-da, and my favorites include "baby" "know what" "now what" and "yeah, yeah, yeah Boyyyy". DOWN to you means either up or down right now and the word IN means in or out as well. I love it when you ask me for Nums-Milk-juice or eat and your newest word today "hancake=pankcake".
Daddy loves that you have learned to stand and "step and throw" like a real baseball pitcher, and I love how you give hugkisses before "nigh nigh" every evening. You love to lay in bed with Mommy and play with my hair, then you gently pat my head, and rub my forehead. We put the palms of our hands together and tickle eachother's fingers just before you fall asleep snuggled into Mommy. You love to play the repeat "Daaaaaa-DA & Brayyyyyy-DEN" game with Daddy too! Wow Wow Wubzy is your favorite cartoon, and you ask for Mommy to turn on "na-na=Noggin" for you now. Your cheeser smiles are the absolute best and you seem to do them when you know you will get a smile, or when you are in trouble ;-) Stinker. You even tell us now that "I stink" when you go poo-poo :-) I could go on and on about all the new things you are doing, and about all of the things you do to make us laugh, but I will save those for another post. We love you big boy. -Mommy & Daddy.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kickball for Cancer

Ron is participating in this years Kicking Cancer Kickball tournament at Allen Park. This annual tournament was created by a very good high school friend of mine Mike Taylor. He is a cancer survivor and now a city councilmen. All proceeds from this event will directly benefit the Community Foundation, and the Willie Hayes fund {another friend of mine who passed away from cancer while we were in high school}.
You can read more in the newspaper article HERE.
Wish Ron and his awesome team of friends that will be participating tomorrow lots of luck as they help to KICK CANCER!!! I am so proud of you Ron, it is really special to me that you felt so passionate about this, and put together a team for this cause-we love you!
Go Team Ron's Rays of Hope ;-)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Real love and genuine beauty...

This photo screams beauty and love to me. Genuine beauty and love. My family...lovin' on Brayden at Lakewood Park, spending time with Ron and I-helping us to enjoy an evening of simple happiness, laughter, and genuine time together. You renewed our spirits and our hearts when we needed it most. We feel so loved by you.
You have all been strength for us. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family. Thank you for all that you've done, all that you do, and for the beautiful people that ALL of you are.
We love you more than you will ever know.


A Bemus Day

Last week we took Brayden to Bemus Point for the day. We ate at the Casino, watched Chautauqua Idol in the grass, walked around the lake, played on the playground, ate ice cream, and just had a wonderfully fun day as a family. Days like this are immeasurable to me. They make my weeks, months, heck..years. I love time I get to spend with Ron and Brayden. I really appreciate that time with the both of them.
Brayden walked the dock on the lake with Daddy. It was his first time ever doing this. He loved the sound of the water splashing about, the birds flying around, and of course...the "weee" {playground} that borders the lake. I had a beautiful day that day with my family. I love you guys!
