Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This week at the Snow household...

Well...we are all officially over the most horrible "flu" I have ever experienced-okay...well it was close to last years food poisoning thing I had...but was worse because after I got it Thursday, Brayden got it Saturday-projectile vomit here- there- and everywhere-and Ron got it Saturday still feeling worn out...I was scrambling trying to keep them both content, do laundry, ginger ale and pedialyte trips for both of them well into Monday!!! AHHHHH! We are all starting to feel better now. Whew! I crazily spent most of Monday and Tuesday doing the wipe down the toys thing, Clorox everything, wash everything, air out the house rampage I was on! I am slowly feeling better now that the crud is out of us and the house!

ON a much lighter note...

Craft Shows:
I have been busy working on booking more craft shows for Bebe' Del, and sewing more inventory to sell! Craft shows are evidently a little unkown sales science I was completely unaware of until now! I have bonded with a lady I met at the last craft show a few weekends ago-my very first craft show. She has given me advice and many tips I hope will pay off in the next few weekends of events I have planned.

First: Make many things, some cheap, some more pricey so buyers have a ton of inventory to choose from-hence selling more.
Second: Don't sell gift packages at a craft show unless they request it (silly me)...seriously!!! makes total sense...and I am such a dork to have overlooked it.
Third: I was hoping the craft shows did their own advertising and was naive because I should have let more people know what I was doing and where and encouraged them to come-even with craft shows you must market yourself too still! (and how I came from a marketing background and completely overlooked this makes me feel...well...duh-silly). and learn I guess. Since these little crafty (pun intended) tid bits of advice...I have done tons of things to prepare for craft show #2...slated for 11/15 from 10-4 at the Fluvanna Fire Hall in Jamestown.

This craft show thing is an exciting thing to participate in actually. I have met some really interesting and talented people thus far. It in a way has also provided me something for "me". It gives me my own time away from being Wife, Mommy, Boss, anything...its just all "me" for 8 hours at these events. So I am actually looking forward to this next show...a hot cup of my favorite Tim Hortons Coffee, my sister inlaw Beth to Jibber Jabber with, (she is a total hoot and I love her company to death)... and a fun table full of happy baby stuff! (now, don't get me wrong here, I love being wife, mommy, boss etc. etc. but I barely have time to pee lately (for lack of a better word) much less do anything for "me" like paint my toe-nails, read a great book, relax, or just have time to reflect and think, so that is why this is nice, it's a nice thing to do to get away for a bit I guess).

The Bray:
He has this week learned to act out and say "roar". In his sickies last weekend his little throat was sore and as he was clearing his throat I said "I am monster, hear me roar" and I would then "roar" generated a few smiles those couple of days and now he is "roaring" all over the house. Its quite funny actually. He has developed such a little personality over the last few months. I could observe and play with him all day long! I feel so blessed everytime I look at him. I never thought I would get the chance to be a mother. I never knew it would be this wonderful and exhausting all at the same time! I never knew my favorite part of the day would be in the morning when I get to rub my chin and lips across his soft little hair line and give him kisses. I never knew I would love the smell of him as much as I do. Its unreal. I am so glad he is feeling better...I felt so helpless to his misery last weekend. I am so glad we are all feeling better.

Until next week -God Bless and be healthy!!!

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