This year has completely been a comedy of errors for us. Live and learn is the cliche' for that one though right? First...let's review what I mean by comedy of errors.
{and grab your coffee and get comfy because this is a long one}...
First: Ron and I anticipated and had been planning on moving to Georgia since October of 2008. So he set up numerous interviews with Police departments in GA, and traveled back and forth a few times interviewing, but did not have any luck. Thanks to his age, and a poor economy. So...on a whim-he applied for a driving job in Florida and after a few hired! We did not expect this to come through, and it totally threw us out of our plans to go to Georgia and redirected us back to we went {and quickly}.
Ron had to start within two weeks of being hired...which meant he left and I stayed in NY getting the house packed, while he worked {stayed with wonderful and gracious} friends of ours in Florida, and searched for a new house for us. In May Brayden and I drove to Orlando for our big move. A move without our things since Ron's uncle decided at the last minute he could not do it for us. {the start of our demise}.
That's not to say it was not a TON of fun though. We hung out with wonderful old friends we had in Florida, ate up all of the sunshine, went to Disney, flea markets, garage sales, went side of the road digging for furniture we could use until we got our things, dreamed about our futures, and really had a fun Florida sabbatical. Reality eventually hit though as we realized this was not going to work long term, and we decided to head back to NY and start over.
So we did just that. It was harder than we thought it was going to be. So...we played with the thought of going back to original plan of moving to Georgia. So...I went with Brayden and myself packed into the van-and drive solo to Georgia to find work, a house, a life....etc. I stayed with family and Ron stayed with his family in NY with our dogs while looking for work here. We said whoever got a job first-that's where we would go. I looked and searched for work, interviewed, and had NO LUCK. Feeling totally exhausted and defeated {and missing my hubby}....we drove back to NY for a few weeks to visit and try to work on Plan B, or C, or was that D at this point??? I've lost track. Ron found work this is where we decided to plant roots...again ;-)
I then drove solo again to GA with Brayden to get all of our things that we had brought there! After my last {and 7th roadtrip this year} back to NY...I have sworn off driving any long distance again for AWHILE. I did manage to surprise myself though-traveling over 800 miles with a 2 year old alone is scary, and hard. I feel strong for having accomplished it so many times this year. Accomplished or stupid...I still don't know...but it feels kind of empowering if I say so myself.
It was a hard 7 months to say the least. Those 7 months though taught me so many things. I found an inner peace and strength I never knew I had before. The unfortunate time away from Ron was hard, but showed us that we are a team and can pull through even the hardest of times with eachother. We pressed on when we both felt defeated and scared. We found a higher appreciation for simple things we took for granted just 7 months earlier. Thank God for the family and friends that helped us pull through all of this-we are forever indebted and grateful to you.
So...we found a new house in NY and moved in early December. However-it is in mid remodel mode, and as of right now we have NO kitchen. Drywall is up-and cabinets are ready to be installed, but as of right now we are using a make shift kitchen in our diningroom. First we go from having a kitchen and new home with none of our things to having no home, to having a home with our things, and no kitchen! It's quite funny and ironic though huh? We perservere ahead.
We are happy and grateful to have our lives back. Not that we ever lost our lives, but it sure felt very difficult at times throughout the last 7 months. We are still on the road to recovery though. Financially-all of this moving killed us, and it is going to be a long time before we feel settled and secure again. I am not complaining though, I am just trying to clear the road for us to have some peace again.
This new year brings with it many exicting opportunites for us. Ron and I are both going back to school this year. Ron is planning on coaching city rec baseball again this summer {which is always fun}. I have a whole new place to decorate and do all the fun projects to that I have been dreaming of for months now. We have our health insurance back finally-which means positive strides for me and all of my needed medications and health. We are toying with the thought of baby #2 perhaps health permitting. So many good things to come and so far it looks as though things will go well for us in the coming year.
This year I am going to do a few things differently. I am not one for resolutions, never have been, but this year there are changes that need to be made. I am making a concious effort to find happiness in days even when I don't feel like being happy. I am going to savor the simple things, because now I realize when they are gone-you have nothing. I am going to be more creative, and spend more time with my friends and family. I am going to try and show the people in my life just how much I love and appreciate them. I am going to thank God more and more for everything in my life, the good and the bad. I have found peace in things I never saw before I experienced this last year of events. I am grateful for them.
2010 should be a year of growth and contentment. May it also be for you! Hugs!