Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

This photo really does make me laugh. It's terrible...but it does. When Brayden was about a month old...I placed him in his swing and pressed the #3 speed swing button as he was almost fast asleep. It seemed to be swinging really slowly, and he started to get fussy with it-so I thought a faster paced speed might be a bit more soothing for him, so I bumped it up to #6 (naive new mommy that I was). As the swing started to pick up a faster (yet normal) speed-I left the living room to go into the kitchen to do the whole "wash the ba-ba's" routine... as Brayden seemed to like this slightly faster speed and was slowly drifting back off to sleep.
I turned the water on for a mere 30 seconds and all of a sudden heard horribly loud cries and screams coming from Brayden from the living room. I dropped the bottles in the sink-and ran back into the living room (heart in my stomach)...and that #6 speed had that swing zinging him back and forth like nobody's business...poor child actually had his little fingers on the tray-holding on for dear life with pure fear in his little face! I felt horrible. Here I had only been a Mommy for a month and I had already traumatized my poor baby-thinking I would NEVER be able to bring him to the playground and that he will have a horrible fear of swings for the rest of his life without quite ever remembering why! I called my mother and was sobbing I felt so bad.
I's easy (and horrible) to laugh about now...but c'mon Graco-really....the swing would NEVER need to possibly go THAT fast to make a baby happy...
Needless to say I don't have many pictures of Brayden in his swing because he really did not enjoy it after that episode- (can we blame him?) He is not completely damaged though-he does not mind the swings at the playground, so I lucked out I guess-WHEW!
Happy Friday!