Monday, April 7, 2008

"Ma-Ma" & "Ba-Ba"

Brayden is officially 7 months old. Two days prior to that he said "Ma-Ma" for the very first time. At first I thought I might not hear it again, but sure enough...he awoke the next morning saying it again...over and over again. When he wants my attention now...I hear "MMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAA-MA" very loudly. He giggles in delight when I respond! He is so funny. It has since moved into "Ba-Ba" as well. He knows two words! Yay! I am just so tickled he said "Ma-Ma" first. Daddy is working on him to hear the "Da-Da" but it has not happened yet. Soon I'm sure.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Almost 7 Months!!!

Brayden will be 7 months on the 5th. I cannot believe how much he has grown so fast, and how many things he is doing. He stands up holding onto me (without me holding him)... giggles to pieces over things, gets up on all fours (although he has not figured out the crawling thing yet)...and has justified reactions to things at his age. He loves to pull Mommys hair, and has even figured out how to grab those little wispy hairs so quickly and yank them with a smile on his face :-) Amazing. I cannot believe how time flies. He is such a great little boy. We go to Florida at the end of the month...more pics to come from that. I have been behind on the blog sorry. I promise I will keep it updated now! Love and Miss everyone. Hugs